Hotel Oil Field
Dribbling Dungeons (Playzone)
If you are looking for recreational opportunities with your friends or family, Dribbling Dungeons – playzone in Hotel Oil Field, Duliajan offers a perfect venue for those who wish to have a fun filled activity. We have a range of dedicated adult and kid gaming options to engage your senses. Experience the playzone equipped with a range of options for children from – Car & Bike racing, Gun shooting, 3 seater VR to Pool table, Chess, Football table, Air hockey, Dart, Basketball and many more.
Hotel Oil Field’s Dribbling Dungeons:
Timing : 10 Am To 8 p.m.
Dribbling Dungeons (Playzone)
World Famous Luxury
Facilities and Lifestyle
An all day dining Multi cuisine Restaurant in Duliajan which will cater wide range of variety of dishes
Meeting & Events
Our Event venues are classic, elegant and beautiful with staffs who tailor your events to suit your unique needs
Banquet Hall
Whether you are looking for a place to brainstorm your next power play. You will find rooms that serve as the ideal venue for variety of events.
Come Experience Luxury Like Never Before With to rejuvenate your body and soul treat yourself to our unlimited luxurious service.
We create styles for the way you look and the way you live. Our image is to make your image. A whole new world, with a whole new look.
Our Event venues are classic, elegant and beautiful with staffs who tailor your events to suit your unique needs
The Black Gold Lounge
The first ever in the region, The Black Gold Lounge offers an exclusive indulgence for the accomplished, acclaimed, achievers
Detox your body after a stressful day, rejuvenate your skin by allowing it to open up its clogged pores allowing it for removal of dirt & oil, boost your immune system.
Steam Room
Unwind, relax, revitalise, improve your skin health, blood circulation and feel energised.